
A New Home

Beitrag zur Ausstellung in London, 2016
Diptychon: Zeichnung, Acryl und Collage, Print auf Alu-Dibond, je 35 x 47 cm
Um Verwirrungen vorzubeugen: Ja, Katja Rosenberg organisiert diese Show. Nein, das bin nicht ich!
Aber wir nehmen beide teil.

People leave their homes to escape war, terror, poverty, torture and repression. They don´t only loose their family members, friends and homelands, but firstly their language. Are refugees welcome in Europe? Much is said and written about them. The new arrivals probably don´t even know how much is spoken about them. However they surely feel the anxiety, insecurity and resentment against them. They will only feel at home when they know they may stay and contribute to the community.